Transylvania 6 5000 (1985 film)

Transylvania 65000 is a 1985 AmericanYugoslav horrorcomedy movie about two tabloid reporters who travel to modernday Transylvania to uncover the truth behind Frankenstein sightings. Along the way, they encounter other horror movie staples a mummy, a werewolf, a vampire each with a twist.

Jack Harrison Goldblum and Gil Turner Begley are writers for The Sensation, a supermarketgrade tabloid run by Turners father, Mac Norman Fell. Jack is a more serious journalist using The Sensation as a stepping stone to a better career, while Gil is a gangling yesman ever ready to win his fathers approval.When Mac Turner receives a homemade videotape of two panicked men running from a creature they believe to be Frankensteins monster, along with a waistdown shot of the suspected monster, he dispatches his son and Jack to Transylvania to follow the lead. Jack tries unsuccessfully to beg off, but is told by Mac that if they both again come back with nothing, they are both fired. They have to bring a story that will bring a banner headline Frankenstein Lives ........

Source: Wikipedia